Friday, March 25, 2011

December 27th, 2010

Today was a pretty chill day, we didn't really do all that much.  Our day started out by heading off to a temple to pray, nothing really special, but I'll put a few pictures up anyways.  I'm pretty sure that we were supposed to go out and do a bunch of other tours and stuff, but P'Boy realized that we really didn't want to see any more temples.  As lovely as they all were, we were tired of them.  So instead, we went bowling.  We headed to this GIGANTIC mall, and did some shopping, and bowled for a few hours.  It was amazing.  Truthfully, it was really nice to go out and do something that wasn't work, do you know what I mean? Like we could relax, laugh, and have a good time...without having to think too much. 

This particular wat that we went to had a few different "stations".  At this one, we knelt, prayed and burned three incense.  Then we headed off to the next station, where we did the same thing.  I don't have a picture of it, because its pretty much the same thing. 

A couple praying at the alter.  They don't know I took their picture.  I'll explain some proper Thai praying position to take up some space.  First of all, you remove your shoes, its extremely disrespectful to keep them on.  Second, there are two ways to sit, the male way and the female way, just like it is shown here, but girls will generally not curl their feet under, and will be sitting with their legs flat on the floor.  Imagine the mans bottom part of his legs where the woman's legs are...okay that's probably confusing. I hope you understand.

 There were five stations, and this is the fifth one.  In this complex, we walked around the center pillar three times, knelt for a prayer, and then hit a big gong for good luck.  It was fun.
Looking down at another section of the temple that we did not visit. 

 Bowling.  I had such a blast bowling, and there are so many stories I can tell.  I'll start with this one of Fernanda attempting to "granny bowl".  I quickly learned, that I was horrible at bowling, when trying to do it the normal way.  Everyone tried to teach me, but I just couldn't get the hang of it.  In the end, I settled for Granny Bowling, which everyone said was cheating.  I didn't win, but I tried.  No one else could seem to get the hang of granny bowling, which made it pretty funny.  I did get a few weird looks, but hey, I'm never going to see them again. 
 The conventional way of bowling, which I couldn't do.  It was fun to try though. 
 This is Fernanda bowling.  She is scary when she bowls, and we made sure none of us stood behind her, just in case the ball went the wrong way.  You can't really tell in this picture but she is on one leg, and there's momentum.  What happens?
 This happens.  We find Fernanda rolling on the ground, because the momentum propelled her forward and straight to the ground.  We all had a good laugh, but Fernanda later complained of a sore but.  It was hilarious though.  We told her that bowling wasn't her thing. 
This is the old man that showed us up.  He had to be like 70 years old, and bowled like a pro.  In the end, we asked him to bowl a turn for us, just so our scores could be a bit higher.  Cheating, I know, but it was pretty amazing to see this old man out bowl a bunch of teenagers. 

After this, we did a bit of food shopping before heading to the hotel.  We will be climbing a mountain tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it.  It will be quite the adventure.  We had dinner with the Phu Kra Doong Rotary club-moo ga tat, soo good.  But we had to eat a lot since we were still technically paying for it.  Haha.  The ride from the restaurant was...unique?  We piled into the back of two trucks and headed off, driving slowly so that we were all safe.  My driver was not drunk, the driver of the other car...well that's up for debate.  He claims he wasn't, and was okay to drive, so no one questioned it.  We soon realized that he was infact, slightly drunk.  Luckily no one got hurt, but they did hit a wall while trying to turn into the hotel parking lot.  The people in the car had a bit of a jolt he hit it the first time, and then a second time while he attempted to correct his first mistake.  Luckily no one was hurt, but it did give us quite the story to tell. 

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