As many of my readers probably know, Rotary does a lot of things for the community. My host Rotary club is the same way, though this is the first time that I have actually been to an event that we have hosted. Some of the things that we have done are: creating shelters for bus benches, giving wheelchairs to those in need, and we put in a water purification center at one of the schools.
I went to the grand unveiling of the water purification center, and heres what it looked like.
This is the project that we helped to fund, along with the Surat Thani Men's Rotary Club. (Somoson Rotary Club).
The actual system. The system flilters water from the river nearby,and it goes to the big silver canister (in the left corner ofthe picture). It then goes through all of these other little nooks and crannies, being treated with a variety of different things until it is drinkable. I didn't totally understand the translation or the proccess since it was spoken in very quick Thai.
Lunch. I couldn't post this post without talking about my lunch. It was extremely good, but also very spicy. It was the first time that I have eaten food that was soo spicy it made me cry. Normally I either drink a lot of water, or try to avoid eating a lot of the spicy parts, but I didn't have any water. Everyone at the table, and the surrounding students, giggled and eventually brought me a glass of water, which I was very thankful for.
This is me and one of my Rotary members standing by the tap area. It was extremely hot here, but since I am the exchange student, I had to wear my Rotary jacket. I really didn't want to, but the circumstances made me wear it.
The group of us (Sritapee Rotary Club) standing infront of the project.
Me standing there with a glass of the water from the taps. It was pretty good water, it tasted thats all good.
Standing with some of the school kids while eating icecream. I got some too, but I just ate mine faster.
So that is my first Rotary project that I got to go to. I'm not sure if I will get to go to others, but they at least brought me to one, which was very nice.
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