Friday, October 8, 2010

My First Elephant!

August 25th was a very special day for me.  Right as we left the house to head out to the Rotary meeting, I noticed something.  There was an elephant in our driveway.  Well, right off to the side of the driveway, but either way I was very excited.  This was my first time being that close to an elephant, which I thought was huge. 

The owners of the elephant let me feed it and pet it, but it seemed to like me a bit more when I fed it.  Either way, my night was made.  I got to pet and feed an elephant.  In the future, I hope to be able to ride one :) Maybe when we go to Koh Samui, or Chang Mai. 

Here is a picture of me and the elephant.  I am feeding him some sort of veggie, but from this picture the elephant doesn't look as big as it did up close.  He (the elephant) was very impatient, and really wanted that food. 
 My host mom, me, the elephant, and the elephant rider.  There was another guy that was behind the elephant, that I am assuming lead the elephant to where they wanted it to go. 

One more picture of me and the elephant.  Apparently it's good luck to see an elephant, so I was pretty excited about that.  This elephant is just a baby elephant, maybe 3 or four years old, probably less.  Some of the other elephants I have seen around town are bigger than this one, and only 5 or 6 years old.  I can't wait to see a bigger elephant, and get to ride one :)

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